Tuesday January 16, 2024

Tuesday – January 16th – Revelation 18:20     -----    

18:20) Rejoice over her fate, O heaven and people of God and apostles and prophets! For at last God has judged her for your sakes.

The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today

     Welcome Tuesday! What a great inspirational thought for us today. It also goes nicely with our current series “When Your Way Isn’t Working”, as it reminds us that God is in complete control of all that happens in our lives when we become followers of Jesus. I think a great exercise for us today is to reflect on a time when this inspirational thought became a reality in one of your life’s situations. At what moment did you realize your way was not working and then turned it over to God? What was your response to how God worked well beyond your expectations? How have you allowed this God-moment to increase your faith and strengthen your witness?

     In our pick verse today, John transitions from recording the response of those directly affected by the destruction of the world’s corrupt civilization (i.e. Babylon) to now record the words of the second angel. The heavenly voice began in verse four with an exhortation on behalf of the earthly people of God, the church resistant to the work of evil on earth. Now it ends with an exhortation for the heavenly people of God, the church triumphant who rejoices over Babylon’s God ordained demise. The saints, apostles, and prophets are those who were martyrs, not only at the end of time but also throughout all Christendom. God’s final judgment on the wicked reflected back to their previous judgment and murder of Christians. God will always have the last say in all matters.

    Pastor Jim
Wednesday – January 17th – Revelation 18:21  

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 224). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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