Saturday February 17, 2024

Saturday – February 17th – Revelation 20 - Amillennialism    -----      
 The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Hello Saturday. This third weekend in February moves us well past the midway mark of this month. As always, especially as I age, I can say with confidence that time seems to go by much faster. This weekend also marks the beginning of Lent and with it a new sermon series. “A Jesus Shaped Life” seems like the perfect follow up to our “When Your Way Isn’t Working” series we just concluded. When we attach ourselves to the vine of Jesus, then through the normal grafting process we begin taking on the nutrients of the host. On Sunday we will kick off this new series talking about “why” we were made to reflect Jesus in our life. Join us at 8am or 9:45am in the SunRise building or live-stream or on-demand beginning at 9:45am.

    After some prayerful discernment on how we move through the next few verses of scripture I believe it will serve us best to pause from our verse by verse unpacking of Revelation to spend a few days outlining the basic theological views of millennialism. So as not to overload us with too much information in one day we will, for the next three days, present the basic views of the three major thoughts of the thousand years mentioned in chapter twenty of this book. Today we begin with “amillennialism” – which translates as “no millennialism”. Amillennialists interpret the millennium as describing the present reign of the souls of deceased believers with Christ in Heaven. They understand the binding of Satan as being in effect during the entire period between the first and second comings of Christ, though ending shortly before Christ’s return. They teach that Christ will return after this heavenly reign. Amillennialists believe we are presently living in the millennial kingdom, which is characterized by the simultaneous experiences of gospel victory and suffering for the gospel. This obviously indicates amillennialists interpret “one thousand” figuratively. The gospel is victorious because Satan is bound, rendering him incapable of preventing the spread of the gospel; yet he is not utterly powerless from persecuting the Church. Just before the end, Satan will again be permitted to deceive the nations and persecution will increase dramatically. Christians are awaiting the visible, bodily return of Christ, which brings an end to all their suffering.

   Pastor Jim
Sunday – February 18th – Revelation 20 –Premillennialism
*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 623). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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