Tuesday February 20, 2024

Tuesday – February 20th – Wesley’s Millennialism -part1     -----    
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Welcome to Tuesday! Hey-Hey friends next Wednesday we embark on a six-week study of the book of Revelation in our Journey Of A Lifetime Bible study class. If you are not yet part of this class, I would love for you to join us beginning on Wednesday February 28th at 6:30pm in the SunRise worship space. While pre-registration is not required it is helpful so that we can set the room up to best facilitate the study. Go to the SunRise “events” page on either the website or app to sign-up. You can order the workbook at www.journeyseries.com/bible-survey. For those that have pre-school through 5th grade children, they are invited to join the SEEDS Family Ministry programing that is happening at the same time. See you next Wednesday the 28th.

     I am sure that at some point over the last three days you have probably wondered  which millennial camp do we Wesleyan followers pitch our tent. Great question, and here is an equally great answer! John Wesley doesn't fit neatly or exactly into any of three theological positions. He has been claimed by both pre-millennialists and post-millennialists. Ironically, individual quotations from his works can be lifted out both to support or refute either viewpoint. I am quickly discovering that this side-foray into the different millennial camps is like pealing back the layers of an onion. So here is what the next couple of days will cover before we jump back into the verse-by-verse scripture study. Tomorrow, I will expand on Wesley’s thoughts on millennial perspectives and then on Thursday I will cover the three different views of the “when” of Revelation. Of course, all of this will be part of the Revelation study starting next week – see how that worked its way around to my original invite.

    Pastor Jim
Wednesday – February 21st – Wesley’s Millennial views -part2

The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 672). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.  

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