Wednesday March 20, 2024

Wednesday – March 20th – Revelation 21:12-13     -----     
21:12) The city wall was broad and high, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. And the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the gates.
13) There were three gates on each side—east, north, south, and west.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Good Wednesday to you! I attempted to look back in my files this morning to locate when I started including the inspirational thought as part of the blog. Unfortunately, a couple of corrupted files have caused a couple of resets with the document I use to store daily blogs. Which means I am not sure what year, but I would guess it has been at least three if not four years since these thoughts to ponder appeared in the blog. All that to say that today’s inspirational thought cause me to reflect one the first time I read it – seven years ago when I first used the Daily Walk to read through the Bible – and if I have made any noticeable changes because of these thoughts to ponder. Maybe that might be a problem, too much pondering and not enough action. How about you?

     In our pick verse today, John begins what will be a very detailed description of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem that came down from Heaven. For any ancient city, one sure sign of importance was the magnificence of its wall and its gates. While this new Jerusalem would not need walls for its defense it would signal to John’s readers its pure and unequalled splendor. John then notes the presence of twelve gates (four on each side of the town) guarded by twelve angels (for their sheer beauty and not for protection) which represented the twelve tribes of Israel. The positioning of the gates/tribes were reminiscent to the positioning of the tribes when Moses led the march from Egypt to the Promised Land. The presence of God was in the middle arranged with three tribes on all four sides. The presence of walls symbolize that this is a permanent location not like the early Israelites wandering in the wilderness.

   Pastor Jim
Thursday – March 21st – Revelation 21:14

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 1068). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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