Thursday January 28, 2021

Thursday – January 28th – Ephesians 6:9

6:9 And you, masters, do the same things to them, giving up threatening, knowing that your own Master also is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him.

Happy Thursday to you! The week keeps churning along, as do our opportunities to continue to grow deeper in our discipleship journey. With only a handful of days remaining in this first month of 2021, I am excited about what is happening and being planned for the SunRise community. Even with the may parameters still necessary to ensure your safety in and around the building we have several great discipleship events scheduled both online and in-building in the coming weeks and months. Be sure and download the SunRise app or check out the website to stay in the loop. And if you are not receiving the SunRise e-news then sign up for it today!

In a similar presentation that Paul used for both the relationship between spouses, and the relationship between parents and children, he wraps up his teaching on Christian relations between employers and employees. Having first laid the groundwork for the employee’s proper actions, Paul now speaks directly to those who have the position of authority. Paul sums up the actions of Christian employers as being called to act differently because they also serve Christ as their head of their lives. In the end God will judge both employers and employees based on their relationship with each other as grounded in their individual relationship with Jesus. What might you do differently today as either an employee or an employer that would glorify God?

  Pastor Jim
Friday – January 29th – Ephesians 6:10-11
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