Wednesday March 24, 2021

Wednesday – March 24th – Philippians 4:5  ---  
4:5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. 
Today’s Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for Wednesday:
 Welcome to Wednesday! Today’s inspirational thought seems appropriately timed and hits home with all that has happened in our world this past year. The pandemic forced many of us to relocate our “center” of religiosity from a building down the road to our own homes. Now a year later, how has your connection to God faired?  My prayer is that you adapted to realizing the importance of daily home-based discipleship without putting all your eggs into a once or twice a week visit to a church building. The words of Walter Brennan from the old TV western The Guns of Will Sonnett - “no brag just fact” echo in my mind as I make this next statement. Beth and I have been richly blessed by our commitment at the beginning of 2020 to read through the Bible in a year. We even opted to start over again in 2021. Friends, the daily discipleship we do at our homes will keep us strongly connected to God and excited to serve in the church.
Our pick verse for today is another of Paul’s quotables. All believers are to be marked by the spiritual gift of gentleness and kindness. We must be ready to see the other person’s point of view and to adjust to it as best we can without compromising the truth of the Gospel. We do this because Jesus is our Lord. He is coming, and our lives are always to be ready for His inspection of our words and actions.
    In this spirit of kindness and gentleness, I am interested in what you believer are some of the areas or teachings of Christianity that are common ground for all Christians.  I welcome you to share your thoughts with me either publicly or privately.
Pastor Jim
 Thursday – March 25th – Philippians 4:6

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 16035). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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