Sunday April 11, 2021

Sunday – April 11th – Colossians 1:12     -----    

1:12 giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

Sunday’s inspirational thought from the Daily Walk Bible:

     Welcome to Sunday morning. This is the first Sunday after Easter as we continue to celebrate the reality of the empty tomb. Our lives as followers of Jesus are not confined to one hour on one day a week, but to be a fully committed follower of Jesus we have agreed to be active and on point twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred sixty-five days a year. There are no “off” days when it comes to being a believer in Jesus. I have discovered the best way to keep me on track is to start off each new week by spending time in worship. And yes, as we read on Easter when the women went to the tomb, Sunday is the first day of the week.  So, plan on worshiping today and serving every day this week.

     In this transitional verse of Paul’s theme on walking a life worthy of our calling, he reminds the Colossians that their standing with God comes not from our own ability but from God’s many gifts given to us. God has “qualified us” by making us worthy through Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Through God’s unconditional love for us we then can share in present blessings and all future inheritances which God gives to us. God’s light to us is truth, holiness, and love. All are gifts we can receive, and then as faithful followers of Jesus pass on to others around us. In God’s economy, we are to keep nothing for ourselves but always share with others. And when we have both this attitude and action God will continue to bless us in our every earthly need.

  Pastor Jim
Monday – April 12th – Colossians 1:13-14

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 19758). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.  

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1 Comment

Bill - April 11th, 2021 at 8:55am

"God's light to us is truth, holiness, and love. All are gifts we can receive, and then as faithful followers of Jesus pass on to others around us."

Does the Love we receive from God through Jesus Christ call us to not only embrace each other but also to hold each other accountable?