Sunday June 20, 2021

Sunday – June 20th – 1 Thessalonians 4:13     -----     
4:13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 
 The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
     Happy Sunday to you and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. Today is also the first day of summer – well actually the summer solstice today in the Northern Hemisphere will not officially happen until 10:31 PM central time. Today marks, not the longest day of the year, but the longest amount of sunlight we will experience in 2021. Beginning tomorrow the daylight time will grow shorter until we reach the first day of winter in late December. Remember though, whatever the day may be on the calendar, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to represent the Kingdom of Heaven during every moment of the day.

    Today in our pick verse we come to one that has had a powerful impact on me and who I am as a servant of the Lord. In verse thirteen, Paul begins a new teaching section in this fourth chapter of his first letter to the believers in Thessalonica. Paul will use the next six verses to instruct all of us concerning the importance of Jesus’ second coming being a source of comfort for us even as we wait. The believers in Paul’s day were convinced that Jesus’ return was going to happen immediately, and when Christians started to die there was concern as to what would happen to them when Jesus did return. In today’s passage Paul first address the necessity of having a relationship with Jesus. Without a relationship with Jesus, people live without hope for the future, especially when their loved ones die. In my previous profession, I observed those who grieved with no hope. Their loved one did not have a relationship with Jesus and at their death their families were not able to lean on the peace of God’s promise of salvation. Yes, both believers and non-believers grieve when loved ones die. Yet from my years of observation the absence of “hope” made their grieving different. My call to ministry was formed in my observing the reality of this passage of scripture throughout my adult life. You do not need to be a pastor to have a heart to share the eternal message of “hope” through a faith in Jesus.

  Pastor Jim
Monday – June 21st – 1 Thessalonians 4:14-15

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Locations 32019-32020). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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