November 15th, 2021
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue
Monday – November 15th – 2 Timothy 4:19-22 -----
4:19) Greet Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus.
20) Erastus stayed in Corinth, but Trophimus I have left in Miletus sick.
21) Do your utmost to come before winter. Eubulus greets you, as well as Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brethren.
22) The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for Monday:
Good Monday to you. We have reached the halfway mark of November. There are not many days left in this year. Do you still have “things” on your 2021 calendar to be completed, or maybe even started? Our inspirational thought for today is more than a thought – it is a powerful statement of truth. We may try to spend our entire life attempting to work around the reality of this statement, but it takes far more effort to let sin rule us than it does for us to stand firm against the temptations of the devil. Remember back to the book of Romans – yes that was way back in late 2019– where Paul informs us that the wages of sin is death. We may think we can avoid the penalty of sin now, but we will eventually face the consequences of our sins when we stand before God. However, the gift of God is the opportunity for us to accept God’s forgiveness now for our sinful actions. The gift of forgiveness was provided to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. What a great way to start off a Monday – knowing that God loves us so much!
Today we conclude the book of 2 Timothy with Paul’s final requests and words of personal greetings. Paul had met his friends and fellow co-workers Prisca and Aquila in the city of Corinth. They were with Paul in Ephesus and later were in ministry in Rome. The importance of Paul included the names of those with Timothy as well as those who were with him already in Rome is to show how widespread the Gospel was in reaching people. At times it can seem like we may be the only one who is rowing the boat, but when we lift our head and look around, we will see others who are also hard at work for the gospel. The importance of being in community is to be constantly encouraged by those with the same goal – populating the Kingdom of Heaven. Who might you encourage this week as you “row” through life?
Pastor Jim
Tuesday – November 16th – Titus introduction
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 60138). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
4:19) Greet Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus.
20) Erastus stayed in Corinth, but Trophimus I have left in Miletus sick.
21) Do your utmost to come before winter. Eubulus greets you, as well as Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brethren.
22) The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for Monday:
Good Monday to you. We have reached the halfway mark of November. There are not many days left in this year. Do you still have “things” on your 2021 calendar to be completed, or maybe even started? Our inspirational thought for today is more than a thought – it is a powerful statement of truth. We may try to spend our entire life attempting to work around the reality of this statement, but it takes far more effort to let sin rule us than it does for us to stand firm against the temptations of the devil. Remember back to the book of Romans – yes that was way back in late 2019– where Paul informs us that the wages of sin is death. We may think we can avoid the penalty of sin now, but we will eventually face the consequences of our sins when we stand before God. However, the gift of God is the opportunity for us to accept God’s forgiveness now for our sinful actions. The gift of forgiveness was provided to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. What a great way to start off a Monday – knowing that God loves us so much!
Today we conclude the book of 2 Timothy with Paul’s final requests and words of personal greetings. Paul had met his friends and fellow co-workers Prisca and Aquila in the city of Corinth. They were with Paul in Ephesus and later were in ministry in Rome. The importance of Paul included the names of those with Timothy as well as those who were with him already in Rome is to show how widespread the Gospel was in reaching people. At times it can seem like we may be the only one who is rowing the boat, but when we lift our head and look around, we will see others who are also hard at work for the gospel. The importance of being in community is to be constantly encouraged by those with the same goal – populating the Kingdom of Heaven. Who might you encourage this week as you “row” through life?
Pastor Jim
Tuesday – November 16th – Titus introduction
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 60138). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
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