December 13th, 2021
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue

Monday – December 13th – Philemon 1:10-11 -----
1:10) I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains,
11) who once was unprofitable to you, but now is profitable to you and to me.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Welcome to Monday as we begin this new week of serving God. And, since I am a countdown type person, my calendar is reminding me there are only two more Mondays left in 2021. Our inspirational thought today is perfect for us as we begin a new week. It challenges us to live every moment of our lives – both public and private – as a fully committed follower of Jesus. I love the twist in this thought that suggests anything less than full commitment would go unnoticed by the world. The Gospel of Jesus is life changing and culturally transformative. If we comfortably exist in the shadows, then we are hiding the light of Christ. This week live your life, so it makes no sense to the world until they know Jesus.
In our pick verses today, Paul begins to place his request before the heart, mind, and soul of Philemon. Onesimus, a slave in the household of Philemon, had run away and ended up in Paul’s presence in Rome. Onesimus had been “born” into God’s family through the prison ministry of Paul. He was thus Paul’s spiritual son, but now also Philemon’s spiritual brother. Onesimus means “useful” and here Paul made use of the name. As a runaway slave he had unprofitable to Philemon, but because of Onesimus’ relationship with Jesus he would now be useful in a much greater way. While this is a request of Paul for Philemon to forgive and welcome Onesimus back into the fellowship of the church in Colossus, this is also a story of how being part of the church tears down walls of class or cultural separation though our individual relationship with Jesus. Who do you need to extend a hand of Christian fellowship while forgiving them in your heart?
Pastor Jim
Tuesday – December 14th – Philemon 1:12-13
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 64533). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
1:10) I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains,
11) who once was unprofitable to you, but now is profitable to you and to me.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Welcome to Monday as we begin this new week of serving God. And, since I am a countdown type person, my calendar is reminding me there are only two more Mondays left in 2021. Our inspirational thought today is perfect for us as we begin a new week. It challenges us to live every moment of our lives – both public and private – as a fully committed follower of Jesus. I love the twist in this thought that suggests anything less than full commitment would go unnoticed by the world. The Gospel of Jesus is life changing and culturally transformative. If we comfortably exist in the shadows, then we are hiding the light of Christ. This week live your life, so it makes no sense to the world until they know Jesus.
In our pick verses today, Paul begins to place his request before the heart, mind, and soul of Philemon. Onesimus, a slave in the household of Philemon, had run away and ended up in Paul’s presence in Rome. Onesimus had been “born” into God’s family through the prison ministry of Paul. He was thus Paul’s spiritual son, but now also Philemon’s spiritual brother. Onesimus means “useful” and here Paul made use of the name. As a runaway slave he had unprofitable to Philemon, but because of Onesimus’ relationship with Jesus he would now be useful in a much greater way. While this is a request of Paul for Philemon to forgive and welcome Onesimus back into the fellowship of the church in Colossus, this is also a story of how being part of the church tears down walls of class or cultural separation though our individual relationship with Jesus. Who do you need to extend a hand of Christian fellowship while forgiving them in your heart?
Pastor Jim
Tuesday – December 14th – Philemon 1:12-13
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 64533). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Posted in Unexpected
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