Thursday December 16, 2021

Thursday – December 16th – Philemon 1:16     -----
1:16) no longer as a slave but more than a slave--a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord. 
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
     Good Thursday to you my fellow scripture blog friends. We had our first of six inbuilding Christmas Eve worship services last night. The Travelers’ Christmas Eve gathering was a great success and an awesome way to kick off the SunRise countdown to Christmas. I am always moved – albeit in some years faster than others – by the seasonal focus of hope, peace, joy, and love. This is such a blessed time when hearts and minds are centered on the message of the heavenly hosts proclaiming, “peace on earth and good will to all”. I am praying that you are able to celebrate the spirit of Christmas with those who are important to you.  

     In our pick verse for today Paul continues his appeal to Philemon to view his runaway slave in a new and different light. What a difference Onesimus’ status as a new Christian made in his relationship with Philemon. He was no longer merely a slave, but he was also a brother in Christ. That meant that both Onesimus and Philemon were members of God’s family – full equals in Christ. A Christian’s status as a member of God’s family transcends all other distinctions among believers. How we might treat other brothers and sisters in Christ reflects on our true Christian commitment. Are there any believers that you might need to reconsider how you treat them?

  Pastor Jim
Friday – December 17th – Philemon 1:17-19

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Location 64965). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
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