December 23rd, 2021
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue

Thursday – December 23rd – Hebrews 1:4-5 -----
1:4) having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
5) For to which of the angels did He ever say: "You are My Son, Today I have begotten You"? And again: "I will be to Him a Father, And He shall be to Me a Son"?
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Happy Thursday and happy Eve of Christmas Eve. Yes, we are two days away from celebrating the birth of Jesus. I sure hope your weekend plans are filled with fun and family activities. Do you have age-old traditions to follow, or are you ready to start some new traditions this year? Our inspirational thought today reminds us that we, as followers of Jesus, have no days off. We have the opportunity and responsibility to represent the Kingdom of Heaven 24/7. And as the statement indicates this is best achieved through our actions and not just our words. In fact, there are times when our actions and our words can be diametrically opposed. Then instead of doing great things for Jesus, we only add to any confusion or conflict that may already exist. This week be a shining example of Jesus in your life so that others may see who you follow.
In our pick verse today, we continue to explore how Jesus is supreme over all creation. The more excellent name referred to in verse four denotes Jesus’ deity. He was the “son” from the beginning of all that existed but now is openly declared since he has ascended back into Heaven. Because of his divine nature He stands in position as being better than the angels because He is the eternal Son, whereas they are only “ministering spirits” created by God. Jesus was man, suffered, and was ultimately exalted, thus becoming our perfect Savior. The early Christian leaders wrestled with how Jesus could be both man and God at the same time. The early creeds spoke of Him being fully God and fully man, and that he was begotten not made. As we are approaching the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we can rejoice the truth that God coming to us at Christmas.
Pastor Jim
Friday – December 24th – Hebrews 1:6-7
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Locations 65795-65796). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
1:4) having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
5) For to which of the angels did He ever say: "You are My Son, Today I have begotten You"? And again: "I will be to Him a Father, And He shall be to Me a Son"?
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Happy Thursday and happy Eve of Christmas Eve. Yes, we are two days away from celebrating the birth of Jesus. I sure hope your weekend plans are filled with fun and family activities. Do you have age-old traditions to follow, or are you ready to start some new traditions this year? Our inspirational thought today reminds us that we, as followers of Jesus, have no days off. We have the opportunity and responsibility to represent the Kingdom of Heaven 24/7. And as the statement indicates this is best achieved through our actions and not just our words. In fact, there are times when our actions and our words can be diametrically opposed. Then instead of doing great things for Jesus, we only add to any confusion or conflict that may already exist. This week be a shining example of Jesus in your life so that others may see who you follow.
In our pick verse today, we continue to explore how Jesus is supreme over all creation. The more excellent name referred to in verse four denotes Jesus’ deity. He was the “son” from the beginning of all that existed but now is openly declared since he has ascended back into Heaven. Because of his divine nature He stands in position as being better than the angels because He is the eternal Son, whereas they are only “ministering spirits” created by God. Jesus was man, suffered, and was ultimately exalted, thus becoming our perfect Savior. The early Christian leaders wrestled with how Jesus could be both man and God at the same time. The early creeds spoke of Him being fully God and fully man, and that he was begotten not made. As we are approaching the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we can rejoice the truth that God coming to us at Christmas.
Pastor Jim
Friday – December 24th – Hebrews 1:6-7
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Locations 65795-65796). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Posted in Unexpected
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