Tuesday February 15, 2022

Tuesday – February 15th – Hebrews 8:3     -----     
8:3) For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore it is necessary that this One also have something to offer. 
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
    Happy Tuesday to you! Ok another one of those tongue-in-cheek inspirational thoughts for us to wrestle with today. I think we can all agree that the world is always in need of kind deeds, and we have all seen people thrive and grow when we send words of encouragement in their direction. Reading the last part of this inspiration thought has challenged me to focus on creating an intentional habit of doing/saying and then forgetting. I think that the more I learn to forget doing good deeds, the less I will be tempted to rest on past accomplishments. Since we are still in the beginning part of this week let’s all covenant together to do three kind deeds by the weekend – and then resist telling anyone about them.

     Our pick verse today focuses our attention on the limitations of the Levitical priesthood that functioned as part of the daily lives of the Israelites beginning with their time in the wilderness under the leadership of Moses. From the very beginning Aaron and his descendants were set aside for specific duties on behalf of the nation. In fact, the entire tribe of Levi was claimed by God as the substitute representatives of the first-born males from all the other tribes. The Old Testament books of Leviticus and Numbers go into greater detail of how the priesthood was established and the rituals that were meticulously followed to ensure the proper purification of those involved in the daily sacrifices. Yet, as we have previously read every human still comes up short in being a fully holy and completely sinless person before God. Therefore, the need for repetitive sacrifices simply highlighted the shortcomings of the sacrificial system. Jesus, God in the flesh, steps in as the final and ultimate sacrifice necessary to open up eternal life to sinful humanity. What the priests could not accomplish Jesus finished on the cross. And that my friends “is” the ultimate good deed, and one worth sharing.

  Pastor Jim
Wednesday – February 16th – Hebrews 8:4-5

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Location 8581). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
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