May 17th, 2022
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue
Tuesday – May 17th – Hebrews 13:24 -----
13:240 Greet all those who rule over you, and all the saints. Those from Italy greet you.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Happy Tuesday to you! I hope your week is off to a great start on this fine Tuesday. In case you are wondering about today’s inspirational thought - it comes from the beginning chapters of the Old Testament book of Job. Those who are part of the Daily Walk reading through the Bible in a year plan know that Job has been confronted with attacks by the devil and has in the process lost possessions, livestock, and family as a result. His “friends” are quick to point out the presumed reasons for his run of bad luck, but Job isn’t buying their worn-out words. Instead of being supportive friends or encouraging teachers, they each easily assumed the role of prosecuting attorney to point out Job’s perceived or probable failures. Their human logic and human wisdom fell far short of the divine drama being played out in Job’s situation. I think we should all learn from today’s inspirational thought and be less about giving advice and more about supporting others.
In our pick verse today, the author gives another small tidbit of information about the origin, authorship, and recipients of this book. The mention of a greeting sent by those from Italy have biblical scholars thinking that this letter was probably written to Jewish converts who were living in Italy in the first century. While using the term Italy may seem a little off base, I needed to remind my self that Italy was the country that housed the home of the Roman Empire. It would not have been unusual for Jewish converts to travel freely throughout the empire. If this indeed was written during the last couple of decades of the first century, then the persecution of Christians would have been gaining ground in Rome and throughout Italy causing some to leave the country for lesser hotspots of Roman oppression. A second takeaway about the economy of Heaven is that God’s word is not confined to either geographical or timeline assignments, but instead is always relevant in all places throughout all time. We don’t need to obsess with adjusting God’s word to fit our day. The power of God’s word should be transforming our lives in order to adjust our day.
Pastor Jim
Wednesday – May 18th – Hebrews 13:25
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 26152). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
13:240 Greet all those who rule over you, and all the saints. Those from Italy greet you.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Happy Tuesday to you! I hope your week is off to a great start on this fine Tuesday. In case you are wondering about today’s inspirational thought - it comes from the beginning chapters of the Old Testament book of Job. Those who are part of the Daily Walk reading through the Bible in a year plan know that Job has been confronted with attacks by the devil and has in the process lost possessions, livestock, and family as a result. His “friends” are quick to point out the presumed reasons for his run of bad luck, but Job isn’t buying their worn-out words. Instead of being supportive friends or encouraging teachers, they each easily assumed the role of prosecuting attorney to point out Job’s perceived or probable failures. Their human logic and human wisdom fell far short of the divine drama being played out in Job’s situation. I think we should all learn from today’s inspirational thought and be less about giving advice and more about supporting others.
In our pick verse today, the author gives another small tidbit of information about the origin, authorship, and recipients of this book. The mention of a greeting sent by those from Italy have biblical scholars thinking that this letter was probably written to Jewish converts who were living in Italy in the first century. While using the term Italy may seem a little off base, I needed to remind my self that Italy was the country that housed the home of the Roman Empire. It would not have been unusual for Jewish converts to travel freely throughout the empire. If this indeed was written during the last couple of decades of the first century, then the persecution of Christians would have been gaining ground in Rome and throughout Italy causing some to leave the country for lesser hotspots of Roman oppression. A second takeaway about the economy of Heaven is that God’s word is not confined to either geographical or timeline assignments, but instead is always relevant in all places throughout all time. We don’t need to obsess with adjusting God’s word to fit our day. The power of God’s word should be transforming our lives in order to adjust our day.
Pastor Jim
Wednesday – May 18th – Hebrews 13:25
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 26152). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
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