May 18th, 2022
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue
Wednesday – May 18th – Hebrews 13:25 -----
13:25) Grace be with you all. Amen.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Welcome to Wednesday. Yes, my friends we have already reached the midway point of this wonderful work week. How goes it so far? Our inspirational thought for today is a powerful reminder of what is a foundation part of the calling of a fully committed follower of Jesus. Many folks enter into Christianity with the unrealistic hope that a relationship with Jesus brings with it an exemption for life’s troubles. I wish I could say that it is truthful that Jesus dissolves all of our trials and wards off all temptations. But that would be false advertising on my part and as far from the truth as possible. Once again, we cannot escape the reality of ongoing spiritual warfare for the life of a Jesus follower. Jesus even stated that the world will come after His followers with even more vengeance than they came after Him. Just doesn’t make a great recruiting slogan – Come follow Jesus and be rewarded with sufferings upon great sufferings. Yet, despite the toils and trials of life, a life with Jesus helps each of us rise above our challenges and reduces the impact the devil has on our attitude. Hang tough my friends we have the creator of all that exists on our side.
In our pick verse today, we conclude the New Testament book of Hebrews. What a great journey we have been on throughout these impactful thirteen chapters that bridged Old Testament practices with New Testament hope. Jesus is anointed our perfect High Priest by completing the perfect sacrifice for the atonement of sin. This once and for all action by Jesus covers the generation of His day, and every generation into the future. We stand cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus. The best part is that there is nothing on our part that we needed to do, with the exception of our accepting Jesus’ accomplishment on our behalf. So, today we close this book with a benediction of both blessing and assurance. In the few words within this verse, we are reminded that God’s grace is the source of all the blessings provided through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. With all the evidence for God’s unconditional love set before us in the Bible how can anyone say no to God’s offer of eternal salvation in Heaven?
Pastor Jim
Thursday – May 19th - Reflection
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Locations 26346-26347). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
13:25) Grace be with you all. Amen.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Welcome to Wednesday. Yes, my friends we have already reached the midway point of this wonderful work week. How goes it so far? Our inspirational thought for today is a powerful reminder of what is a foundation part of the calling of a fully committed follower of Jesus. Many folks enter into Christianity with the unrealistic hope that a relationship with Jesus brings with it an exemption for life’s troubles. I wish I could say that it is truthful that Jesus dissolves all of our trials and wards off all temptations. But that would be false advertising on my part and as far from the truth as possible. Once again, we cannot escape the reality of ongoing spiritual warfare for the life of a Jesus follower. Jesus even stated that the world will come after His followers with even more vengeance than they came after Him. Just doesn’t make a great recruiting slogan – Come follow Jesus and be rewarded with sufferings upon great sufferings. Yet, despite the toils and trials of life, a life with Jesus helps each of us rise above our challenges and reduces the impact the devil has on our attitude. Hang tough my friends we have the creator of all that exists on our side.
In our pick verse today, we conclude the New Testament book of Hebrews. What a great journey we have been on throughout these impactful thirteen chapters that bridged Old Testament practices with New Testament hope. Jesus is anointed our perfect High Priest by completing the perfect sacrifice for the atonement of sin. This once and for all action by Jesus covers the generation of His day, and every generation into the future. We stand cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus. The best part is that there is nothing on our part that we needed to do, with the exception of our accepting Jesus’ accomplishment on our behalf. So, today we close this book with a benediction of both blessing and assurance. In the few words within this verse, we are reminded that God’s grace is the source of all the blessings provided through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. With all the evidence for God’s unconditional love set before us in the Bible how can anyone say no to God’s offer of eternal salvation in Heaven?
Pastor Jim
Thursday – May 19th - Reflection
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Locations 26346-26347). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
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