Sunday June 5, 2022

Sunday – June 5th – James 1:9-10     -----    

1:9) Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation,
10) but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away. 
 The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Good Sunday to you! What a perfect inspirational thought for us on this first Sunday in June. As we prepare our hearts to gather for worship, we are reminded that it is not out of necessity or guilt or obligation that we set time aside from our busy schedules to worship God, but it is because of our thankfulness and love for God that we praise His name. How will you worship today? Will it be with a group of people who are singing and praising together, or will it be in the solitude of your own home with SunRise on a screen, or will it be immersed in God’s creative beauty, or will it be some combination of the three? Our love for God expressed in praise is only surpassed by God’s love for us expressed in sacrifice.
   In our pick verses today taken from the first chapter of the book of James we continue to learn the practical aspects of being a committed follower of Jesus. In these two verses James contrasts the proper and practical spiritual response of Christians regardless of their standing in society or the value of their possessions. The impoverished Christian is able to rejoice in the reality of their eternal salvation as a child of God and future heir to the Kingdom of Heaven. The gospel teaches the rich Christian that their earthly wealth is only temporary in this world and does not make them better than others. Either rich or poor we should rejoice because in Jesus we have true and everlasting riches that will not fade or pass away like the flowers of the field. As we worship God today, be thankful for the gift of eternity we have received through God’s unconditional love.

  Pastor Jim
Monday – June 6th – James 1:11

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Location 29042). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
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