Tuesday July 5, 2022

Tuesday – July 5th – James 3:1     ------      
3:1)  My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.

The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
    Good Tuesday to you! For those who had yesterday off because of the holiday celebration today is our first official day of the work week. I know I will spend most of the day having to remind myself that today is not Monday and that those things I normally do on Monday will still have to be done by doubling them up on today’s to-do list. So, as we begin a new week, I will do my typical Monday speech and remind us that God has prepared an abundance of opportunities for us to be a witness to His word and a servant of the Kingdom of Heaven to others. My challenge to all of us is to look for ways to share a smile, speak a kind word, or be a shoulder of support to those in need. Often it is the little things that we do that can make the biggest impact on someone’s challenging day.

     As we begin a new chapter today, James also begins a new section of teaching. Certainly, James’ faith without works teachings are his most noted, but this section on taming the tongue is his second most remembered, and probably contain the greatest particle wisdom for us. Teaching was/is a highly valued and respected profession in Jewish culture. In the first century many Jewish converts to Christianity wanted to become teachers. James warned that although it is good to aspire to teach, a teachers’ responsibility is great because their words and examples affect the development and growth of others spiritual lives. Since all of us are in some type of teaching or leadership role, we must continually ask ourselves how our lives, our words, our actions, our reactions are influencing those around us. Many times, our roles of leadership are unofficial and unknown to us are viewed by those who look to us for their spiritual steps.

  Pastor Jim
Wednesday – July 6th – James 3:2-3
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Locations 34797-34798). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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