July 10th, 2022
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue
Sunday – July 10th – James 3:6 -----
3:6) And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Awesome Sunday to you! What a great day God has given us to worship Him and celebrate the blessings we have received. Our inspirational thought for today is perfect for a Sunday and for a day of worship. The world is more than ready to offer all kinds of advice about how we are to live our lives – both spiritually and non-spiritually. Book stores, google searches, and internet chat rooms are filled with opinions and ideas on how we can perfectly address every challenge we face in life. Occasionally those suggestions may serve as a temporary problem patch, but most fail us long before we ever have the opportunity to fully implement the intended actions. The one and only place that can give us the perfect and unchanging answers to life is the holy and perfect word of God. Scripture contains all we humans need for salvation, as well as, clear instructions on how to live and love others before we enter eternity. The more time we spend in God’s word the more our faith is developed and the greater understanding we have to answer life’s questions.
In our pick verse for today James pulls together his metaphor of the power of the tongue’s control over our lives. We humans are defined by our ability to communicate with other human beings through our words – both written and verbal. The power of human communication was so great that in Genesis the collective mindset of humanity desired to build a tower to Heaven so they could be god-like. James is teaching his readers that while the “tongue” is just another part of the human anatomy, it symbolizes the way in which the devil can manipulate us into saying things that ultimately hurt others. This verse also points out the potential damage caused by our words can also turn inwardly to contaminate our bodies so that we fracture our relationship with God. Every mature believer knows that in their remaining fleshly humanness, their tongues sill has great power to devastate and therefore need the constant guarding and control that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember James has already instructed his listeners to be quick to listen and slow to speak – this is the reasoning behind his warnings.
Pastor Jim
Monday – July 11th - James 3:7-8
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Location 35707). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
3:6) And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Awesome Sunday to you! What a great day God has given us to worship Him and celebrate the blessings we have received. Our inspirational thought for today is perfect for a Sunday and for a day of worship. The world is more than ready to offer all kinds of advice about how we are to live our lives – both spiritually and non-spiritually. Book stores, google searches, and internet chat rooms are filled with opinions and ideas on how we can perfectly address every challenge we face in life. Occasionally those suggestions may serve as a temporary problem patch, but most fail us long before we ever have the opportunity to fully implement the intended actions. The one and only place that can give us the perfect and unchanging answers to life is the holy and perfect word of God. Scripture contains all we humans need for salvation, as well as, clear instructions on how to live and love others before we enter eternity. The more time we spend in God’s word the more our faith is developed and the greater understanding we have to answer life’s questions.
In our pick verse for today James pulls together his metaphor of the power of the tongue’s control over our lives. We humans are defined by our ability to communicate with other human beings through our words – both written and verbal. The power of human communication was so great that in Genesis the collective mindset of humanity desired to build a tower to Heaven so they could be god-like. James is teaching his readers that while the “tongue” is just another part of the human anatomy, it symbolizes the way in which the devil can manipulate us into saying things that ultimately hurt others. This verse also points out the potential damage caused by our words can also turn inwardly to contaminate our bodies so that we fracture our relationship with God. Every mature believer knows that in their remaining fleshly humanness, their tongues sill has great power to devastate and therefore need the constant guarding and control that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember James has already instructed his listeners to be quick to listen and slow to speak – this is the reasoning behind his warnings.
Pastor Jim
Monday – July 11th - James 3:7-8
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Location 35707). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
Posted in Thank You For Being A Friend
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