Saturday July 23, 2022

Saturday – July 23rd – James 4:5-6     -----      
5)  Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us ?
6) But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
    Welcome to Saturday and to this awesome weekend in July! Today our youth mission team will begin their journey homeward after five full days of serving in Viper, Kentucky.  Please be praying for safe travels as they trek 488 miles across the hot highways of Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri. I can’t wait to hear all the great stories of their hard work and spiritual transformations. In Sunday worship we will be sharing a few pictures of their week filled with work, fun, and new friends. Speaking of friends, this is the final weekend of our “Thank You For Being a Friend” series. We conclude with what can be the hardest healthy friendship to cultivate and maintain – being a friend to self. Yes, we can be pretty hard on ourselves, we can become so focused on others that we ignore our personal needs, or we can completely neglect what it takes to like ourselves for who we are. When Jesus was asked the greatest commandment, he said the first is to love the Lord God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second is to love our neighbors as ourselves. An unhealthy friendship with ourselves can negate our love for both God and for neighbors. Join us this week in worship to discover ways to create a lasting and healthy friendship with the person you see every day in the mirror.
    In our pick verses today, James shares his insight on how he thinks God reacts to our lack of devotion to Him. Although the exact Old Testament source of this quotation in verse six is uncertain, it closely reflects God’s desire for both our personal humility in our relationship with Him, and our complete loyalty to Him as described in Exodus 20:5 and 34:14. In the New Testament understanding of the Holy Spirit, God’s plan is for the spirit to dwell in the hearts and minds of each believer, acting as a guide to right living and right choices.  Having given us Himself in and through the form of the Holy Spirit, God insists that we, in return, give our love to Him alone. To describe God as a jealousy God can cause us to pause when considering God’s perfection, but the very first commandment given to Moses includes that as a self-identification of why we should not have any other gods in our lives. Today would be a great day to ask if there were anything in our life that would cause God to be jealous of where are allegiances might be directed.

  Pastor Jim
Sunday – July 24th – James 4:7

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Locations 38238-38239). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

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