September 8th, 2022
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue
Thursday – September 8th – 1 Peter 2:8 -----
8) And, “He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they do not obey God’s word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Good Thursday to you! Our inspirational thought today comes from the Daily Walk Bible reading in Amos, another of the Old Testament prophets who represented the word of God, this time to the northern kingdom of Israel. The sin of the people of the northern kingdom mirrored the sinful ways of each and every king who sat on the throne following the death of Solman in 933BC. An “all about me” attitude summed up the actions and activities of the entire nation. Amos came from the south carrying God’s message of repentance. As you can imagine his words were lost on a selfish, self-centered group of people who had perverted God’s word to fit their agendas while falsely resting in the belief they were God’s chosen people regardless of their actions. The inspirational thought reminds us that any sin is sin, regardless of how we humans rank sin from bad to acceptable. All sin is detestable and unacceptable in God’s sight. That my friends, becomes the litmus test to know what God approves and disapproves for those who follow Jesus.
In our pick verse today Peter leans into Amos’ words eight hundred years later when he teaches that Jesus is a stumbling block to those who want to go their own way. Jesus has been called the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that will make them fall. Some will stumble over Jesus because they openly reject him or refuse to believe that He is who He says he is. Psalm 118:22 (nearly three hundred years before Amos) says that the stone rejected by the builders has now become the cornerstone, the most important part of God’s building, the church (the people of God). In the same way today, people who refuse to believe in Jesus have made the greatest mistake of their eternal lives. They have stumbled over the one person who could save them and give meaning to their earthly lives, and they will fall into God’s hand for their own judgement. If we are aware of the power and position of Jesus only a fool would pursue such a reckless course for their life on earth and thus gamble away their place in Heaven. Our calling as follower of Jesus is to share what we know as best we can. Yet, the response is up to each individual person. The inhabitants of the northern kingdom rejected Amos and countless other prophets in their day. We have the information to do and be better. The question remains – will we do it.
Pastor Jim
Friday – September 9th – 1 Peter 2:9
8) And, “He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they do not obey God’s word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Good Thursday to you! Our inspirational thought today comes from the Daily Walk Bible reading in Amos, another of the Old Testament prophets who represented the word of God, this time to the northern kingdom of Israel. The sin of the people of the northern kingdom mirrored the sinful ways of each and every king who sat on the throne following the death of Solman in 933BC. An “all about me” attitude summed up the actions and activities of the entire nation. Amos came from the south carrying God’s message of repentance. As you can imagine his words were lost on a selfish, self-centered group of people who had perverted God’s word to fit their agendas while falsely resting in the belief they were God’s chosen people regardless of their actions. The inspirational thought reminds us that any sin is sin, regardless of how we humans rank sin from bad to acceptable. All sin is detestable and unacceptable in God’s sight. That my friends, becomes the litmus test to know what God approves and disapproves for those who follow Jesus.
In our pick verse today Peter leans into Amos’ words eight hundred years later when he teaches that Jesus is a stumbling block to those who want to go their own way. Jesus has been called the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that will make them fall. Some will stumble over Jesus because they openly reject him or refuse to believe that He is who He says he is. Psalm 118:22 (nearly three hundred years before Amos) says that the stone rejected by the builders has now become the cornerstone, the most important part of God’s building, the church (the people of God). In the same way today, people who refuse to believe in Jesus have made the greatest mistake of their eternal lives. They have stumbled over the one person who could save them and give meaning to their earthly lives, and they will fall into God’s hand for their own judgement. If we are aware of the power and position of Jesus only a fool would pursue such a reckless course for their life on earth and thus gamble away their place in Heaven. Our calling as follower of Jesus is to share what we know as best we can. Yet, the response is up to each individual person. The inhabitants of the northern kingdom rejected Amos and countless other prophets in their day. We have the information to do and be better. The question remains – will we do it.
Pastor Jim
Friday – September 9th – 1 Peter 2:9
Posted in Leap Of Faith
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