September 26th, 2022
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue
Monday – September 26th – 1 Peter 3:7 -----
3:7) Husbands, in the same way, show consideration for your wives in your life together, paying honor to the woman as the weaker sex, since they too are also heirs of the gracious gift of life—so that nothing may hinder your prayers.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Hello Monday! Today begins the last week of September and truly the beginning of our weather transition to cooler temperatures for those October mornings next week. Our inspirational thought for today is a great reminder that we are never alone in our faith walk. Once we accept Jesus into our lives, we have the power of the Holy Spirit always with us and the love of God always within us. When we feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life, we can draw on this thought to help us remember that greater is He who is in us then he who is in the world. If God is on our side, there will always exist a mismatch in our favor. I think of Gideon who went to battle with a handful of unarmed men against a powerful well-trained army of over 320,000. At the end of the day God provided Gideon a victory using horns and torches. What battle are you facing today, or will face this week, that having God with you has already produced the victory?
In out pick verse today, Peter turns his focus to the responsibility of the husband in a marriage relationship. The Christian husband is to try to understand his wife, always respect her, give high priority to her well-being, and above all else to love her like Jesus loves people. He is to be considerate in all his interactions and conversations. While she may be physically weaker (in most cases), her physical characteristics should never be automatically attached to her intellectual characteristics. In the Kingdom of Heaven husband and wife, male and female, Jew and Greek, slave and free, are all equal heirs to the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven. Peter ends this verse with the reminder that discord in marriage, or in any other part of life, can and will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers. With whom might we need to remove a spirt of discord today so our prayers can reach the throne of Heaven?
Pastor Jim
Tuesday – September 27th – 1 Peter 3:8
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Locations 50740-50741). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
3:7) Husbands, in the same way, show consideration for your wives in your life together, paying honor to the woman as the weaker sex, since they too are also heirs of the gracious gift of life—so that nothing may hinder your prayers.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Hello Monday! Today begins the last week of September and truly the beginning of our weather transition to cooler temperatures for those October mornings next week. Our inspirational thought for today is a great reminder that we are never alone in our faith walk. Once we accept Jesus into our lives, we have the power of the Holy Spirit always with us and the love of God always within us. When we feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life, we can draw on this thought to help us remember that greater is He who is in us then he who is in the world. If God is on our side, there will always exist a mismatch in our favor. I think of Gideon who went to battle with a handful of unarmed men against a powerful well-trained army of over 320,000. At the end of the day God provided Gideon a victory using horns and torches. What battle are you facing today, or will face this week, that having God with you has already produced the victory?
In out pick verse today, Peter turns his focus to the responsibility of the husband in a marriage relationship. The Christian husband is to try to understand his wife, always respect her, give high priority to her well-being, and above all else to love her like Jesus loves people. He is to be considerate in all his interactions and conversations. While she may be physically weaker (in most cases), her physical characteristics should never be automatically attached to her intellectual characteristics. In the Kingdom of Heaven husband and wife, male and female, Jew and Greek, slave and free, are all equal heirs to the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven. Peter ends this verse with the reminder that discord in marriage, or in any other part of life, can and will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers. With whom might we need to remove a spirt of discord today so our prayers can reach the throne of Heaven?
Pastor Jim
Tuesday – September 27th – 1 Peter 3:8
*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Daily Walk: Full Size) (Kindle Locations 50740-50741). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Posted in Leap Of Faith
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