Tuesday October 18, 2022

Tuesday – October 18th – 1 Peter 4:16     -----     
4:16) But it is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name!
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
    Good Tuesday to you! If you are in the shadow of the O’Fallon steeple this morning you were greeted with a harsh reminder that we are heading towards the winter months of the year. When the temps begin to drop, I always begin making plans for things to do inside the house. I wish I could tell you that my inside projects are all checked off when the weather begins to warm in the spring. As a consultation, last year’s misses become the beginning of this year’s list. The one thing that receives top priority on my “cold weather to-do list” is spending more time reading scripture. The more I know of God’s word the more I am convicted to live into God’s will, God’s way, and God’s when.
    In our pick verse today, Peter continues to explain the honor in suffering for our faith in Jesus. John Wesley once wrote that God would give us, throughout our faith journey, “the honor so to suffer, and so great a reward for suffering”. Therefore, we should always have our mind set to glorify God by being patient and loving even when facing persecution. To be persecuted as a follower of Jesus is the price we pay for taking a stand against the forces of evil that permeate our world today. Peter’s words are a necessary reminder for each generation of believers as they face each new tactic utilized by the devil to tempt us away from following Jesus.

   Pastor Jim
Wednesday – October 19th – 1 Peter 4:17-18  

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Locations 55028-55029). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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