Sunday October 23, 2022

Sunday – October 23rd – 1 Peter 5:3     -----     
5:3) Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

      Happy Sunday you all. What a great day we have scheduled for worship today. Part three of our “Revolutionary Disciple” will focus on the importance of working together in the life of the church sphere. We will meet at the intersection of our personal faith journey and the mission of the church to make disciples. The spiritual gifts each of us receive when we become followers of Jesus are used by God to make a perfect blend using the gifts others possess to make the church fruitful in populating the Kingdom of Heaven. Without your gift in the mix if would severely impact the effectiveness of the church to be all that God has created us for – both individually and corporately.  When we all work together to change the world for the Kingdom of Heaven, we step into the role of being a revolutionary disciple.
    In our pick verse today, Peter continues his teachings on how to be a revolutionary disciple in the first century. His instructions are aimed at those in positions of church leadership. Again, let me insert my own editorializing on church leadership – every follower of Jesus is in a position of leadership (elected or unelected) because someone else is looking at you as an example of being a follower of Jesus. So, with that clarification in hand, no one is exempt from Peters’ teachings today. His instruction to not lord authority over others is in reference to reject the world’s tendency to dominate others when we are in a position of leadership. Bossing and coercion have no place in the life of the church or between believers. Actual this practice should be considered unacceptable for Christians who have leadership positions outside the church. Christian leaders lead by teaching and by being examples of God’s grace. As we worship God today may we seek an anointing of the Holy Spirit to bless us with the leadership skills of Jesus.
****SunRise is sending a group of folks (including me) to eastern Kentucky early Monday morning to help with rebuilding Happy Church in Jackson, Ky. This is the same community the adult mission team served at back in June before the devastating July floods. Because we will be staying in a somewhat remote area of the Appalachian Mountains internet service is sketchy, unreliable, and at best occasional, therefore the Daily Scripture Blog will be on hold until we return late Saturday evening.  Please keep the team in your prayers that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus both in word and deed.****

   Pastor Jim
*Sunday – October 30th – 1 Peter 5:4

The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 3777). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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