Sunday October 30, 2022

Sunday – October 30th – 1 Peter 5:4     -----     
5:4) And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Happy Sunday to you! Today is week number four in our church wide study – The Revolutionary Disciple. Our focus today is on being revolutionary in our family sphere. As a follower of Jesus, we are entrusted by God to be leaders within our family circle. The definition of “family” is open ended to include anyone with whom we might relate to through a family relationship. Family and extended family spiritual responsibility is first and foremost on our list of things “to do” as a follower of Jesus. For those with family members under the same roof, it is our joy and opportunity to lead them in growing their faith. Sadly, over the preceding generations, an expectation has crept in that it is primarily the church’s responsibility to input spiritual learning into our children. The Bible states that the role of the church is to support the work of the family at home and provide encouragement to the parents and grandparents. Even more sad is that as folks find other activities that conflict with attending church, children are missing even that opportunity for regular and consistent spiritual development. The potential end results could well be future generations who are spiritually untrained and who will be more susceptible to fall to the tricks of the evil one concerning what is the real truth of scripture. Oops, I had better stop or I will start preaching – better save it for the sermon.
    In our pick verse today, Peter shares one of the rewards believers will receive when they follow the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven in their leadership style. To equate Jesus as being the great shepherd is indictive that His role is to continually watch over us and encourage us. Jesus’ example is where we draw our commitment to encourage and disciple others. And when we do, we will receive a crown of glory and honor for our efforts. In Peter’s culture a garland or wreath was the reward given to the winners of the great athletic games. In this verse it is to symbolize the eternal reward Jesus will give His under-shepherds when He returns. On as side note, I always find it an affirmation when our teaching series align with the current reading is for our scripture blog. God must really want me to focus on training up others in spiritual holiness.

    Pastor Jim
Monday – October 31st – 1 Peter 5:5

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 3866). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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