Tuesday November 8, 2022

Tuesday – November 8th – Intro to 2 Peter     -----    

The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Good Tuesday to you! In just two short weeks from today the Christmas decorating season begins at SunRise. Yes, my friends Tuesday November 22nd will be the opportunity for you to join your fellow SunRise friends to help bring alive the words of the song – its beginning to look a lot like Christmas. As an added bonus lunch will be provided by the church and pre-school staff for those who join the decorating team. Lunch is served at 12p and decorating to follow. Use this link to sign help deck the halls – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c094da8af2aa3f49-sunrise7

     Today we begin our study of 2 Peter, the sixty-first book of the Bible. This book was written by the apostle Peter in approximately 66 AD which was shortly before his execution by the Roman authorities. In his first letter, Peter encouraged his readers to endure the attacks of external enemies with hope. Second Peter teaches the same first century audience to oppose internal enemies with knowledge of the truth. Apostasy (abandoning or renouncing your religious beliefs or convictions) within the church can be much more devastating than persecution against the church. Peter warns against the moral perversions and denial of Christ’s return that false teachers spread. He then exhorts his readers to resist “the errors of these wicked people” (3:17) by growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Knowledge is the prominent theme of this letter and is the best antidote for heresies.

   Pastor Jim
Wednesday – November 9th – 2 Peter 1:1

*Tyndale. The Daily Walk Bible NLT (Kindle Locations 59174-59175, 65173-65178). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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