November 23rd, 2022
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue

Wednesday – November 23rd – 2 Peter 2:2 -----
2:2) Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Welcome to Wednesday! I thought I would let our final installment from becoming a revolutionary disciple percolate for a few days and give those who watch online time to catch up. And with today being the launch eve of families gathering for the extended holiday season, I thought it would be fitting to remind folks of the importance of being revolutionary in working to humbly agree to disagree with challenging people. Our inspirational thought for today reminds us that a first step of creating peace always takes a humble initiative from only one person. Yes, any peace offering requires mutual reciprocity to be fully effective, but one person can create their own inner peace by know the parameters to lessen the probability of making things worse. If you need a refresher on the six steps I shared on Sunday then YouTube SunRise Church. Watch, listen, and brush up on how to be the best guest/host during the holiday season.
In our pick verse today, Peter continues to expose the dangers of false teachings to both the churched and to the unchurched. It was not, and still not, unusual for false teachers to come from within Christianity itself. When that happens, people both in the church and outside the church will be tempted to speak against the true words of scripture because of what they hear being said or acted upon by false teachers. If we fail to seek clarity from the Holy Spirit or are reluctant to engage in accountability discussions, these false teachings can easily gain traction as being “new truths”. Peter states that many unsuspecting folks will embrace these off-based teachings thinking they are doing what is right and acceptable. In the book of Galatians, Paul warns us that we are not to allow ourselves to be deceived false teachings, because God (His word, way, will, when) cannot be mocked - what we sow we will reap.
Pastor Jim
Thursday – November 24th – 2 Peter 2:3
*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4156). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
2:2) Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Welcome to Wednesday! I thought I would let our final installment from becoming a revolutionary disciple percolate for a few days and give those who watch online time to catch up. And with today being the launch eve of families gathering for the extended holiday season, I thought it would be fitting to remind folks of the importance of being revolutionary in working to humbly agree to disagree with challenging people. Our inspirational thought for today reminds us that a first step of creating peace always takes a humble initiative from only one person. Yes, any peace offering requires mutual reciprocity to be fully effective, but one person can create their own inner peace by know the parameters to lessen the probability of making things worse. If you need a refresher on the six steps I shared on Sunday then YouTube SunRise Church. Watch, listen, and brush up on how to be the best guest/host during the holiday season.
In our pick verse today, Peter continues to expose the dangers of false teachings to both the churched and to the unchurched. It was not, and still not, unusual for false teachers to come from within Christianity itself. When that happens, people both in the church and outside the church will be tempted to speak against the true words of scripture because of what they hear being said or acted upon by false teachers. If we fail to seek clarity from the Holy Spirit or are reluctant to engage in accountability discussions, these false teachings can easily gain traction as being “new truths”. Peter states that many unsuspecting folks will embrace these off-based teachings thinking they are doing what is right and acceptable. In the book of Galatians, Paul warns us that we are not to allow ourselves to be deceived false teachings, because God (His word, way, will, when) cannot be mocked - what we sow we will reap.
Pastor Jim
Thursday – November 24th – 2 Peter 2:3
*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4156). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Posted in Through the Eyes of A Child
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