December 9th, 2022
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue

Friday – December 9th – 2 Peter 3:12-13 -----
3:12) looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, he will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames.
13) But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Hello Friday! Our inspirational thought for today is just too good to pass up without spending a few moments letting this powerful statement soak in. Interestingly we humans, through the tempting of the evil one, spend our entire lives trying to create God in our image. The very first sin recorded in the Bible is humanities desire to be god-like. Sadly, since it worked once it has become Satan’s go to tactic to destroy our relationship with God. Satan tempts us to manipulate the interpretation of scripture to advance our personal agendas over God’s word, God’s will, God’s way, and God’s when. Ironically, when we finally accept Jesus as our savior, we then realize that God stepped down from the splendor of Heaven to be like us. Once that happens, we see through the deceptive plans of Satan, and we can resist those temptations to be equal to God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we move from being rebellious against God to becoming submissive to the authority of God.
In our pick verses today, Peter continues his challenge for the readers of this letter to be ready to give an account of their life before God at the final judgement. Drawing from Jesus’ teaching about end times, Peter states that the physical world as we know it will transition by being cleansed from the effect of human sin. At the end of the ages, God will establish a new world order in which righteousness dwells in the hearts and minds of those residing in eternity. God has chosen to delay this coming day of judgement not wanting any to perish. In a sense we Christians are hastening the arrival of that final moment when we lead others to Christ and pray for the salvation of the lost. Our prayers and our witness are God’s tools to usher in the coming day of the Lord.
Pastor Jim
Saturday – December 10th – 2 Peter 3:14
*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4351). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
3:12) looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, he will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames.
13) But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:
Hello Friday! Our inspirational thought for today is just too good to pass up without spending a few moments letting this powerful statement soak in. Interestingly we humans, through the tempting of the evil one, spend our entire lives trying to create God in our image. The very first sin recorded in the Bible is humanities desire to be god-like. Sadly, since it worked once it has become Satan’s go to tactic to destroy our relationship with God. Satan tempts us to manipulate the interpretation of scripture to advance our personal agendas over God’s word, God’s will, God’s way, and God’s when. Ironically, when we finally accept Jesus as our savior, we then realize that God stepped down from the splendor of Heaven to be like us. Once that happens, we see through the deceptive plans of Satan, and we can resist those temptations to be equal to God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we move from being rebellious against God to becoming submissive to the authority of God.
In our pick verses today, Peter continues his challenge for the readers of this letter to be ready to give an account of their life before God at the final judgement. Drawing from Jesus’ teaching about end times, Peter states that the physical world as we know it will transition by being cleansed from the effect of human sin. At the end of the ages, God will establish a new world order in which righteousness dwells in the hearts and minds of those residing in eternity. God has chosen to delay this coming day of judgement not wanting any to perish. In a sense we Christians are hastening the arrival of that final moment when we lead others to Christ and pray for the salvation of the lost. Our prayers and our witness are God’s tools to usher in the coming day of the Lord.
Pastor Jim
Saturday – December 10th – 2 Peter 3:14
*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4351). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Posted in Through the Eyes of A Child
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