December 31st, 2022
by Jim Blue
by Jim Blue

Saturday – December 31st – 1 John 2:16 -----
2:16) For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.
The Daily Walk inspirational thought for today:
Welcome to Saturday and to the very last day of 2022. You have made it; another year will soon be in the books. As you do your year end review and assessment of your life’s blessings what jumps to the top of the list? When you reflect on this past year’s challenges what was it, and what did you learn from it? As you stand at the threshold of 2023 what do you plan on doing this year to make a greater impact in the Kingdom of Heaven? How will you chart an upward trajectory in your personal spiritual development? Is reading the Bible cover to cover on your “to do” list? How about joining the SunRise class – Journey Of A Lifetime – a great overview of each book of the Bible. The first seven-week session will cover an intro to the Old Testament and the first six books of the Bible. The class will meet at 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings beginning on January 4th. We will also live-stream and post the class on the SunRise YouTube channel for those unable to attend in person. Sign-up on either the SunRise website or app under the events section.
In our pick verse today, John continues teaching on how faithful disciples are to focus on waking in the love of Jesus. This verse lists out some of the off-based values referenced as “the world” in verse 15. When we pursue these values they will only lead us away from a solid relationship with God. The desires of our sin-tainted human nature will divert our attention to the flesh of humanity and away from the spirit of God. The temptation to covet after what we see will adjust our activities to focus on obtaining more and more material possessions at the expense of giving ourselves to God. John cautions us to resist the temptation of falling into the pride of life through empty boasting in our status and achievements when we should be pointing all that we are to the glorious work of God. Anytime we shift the focus from worship of and devotion to God we sin by instead seeking the things of this world. As we end this year, may we all commit to a more intentional focus on God’s word, God’s way, God’s will, and God’s when is a great “resolution” to make for 2023.
Pastor Jim
Sunday – January 1st – 1 John 2:17
*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4561). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
2:16) For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.
The Daily Walk inspirational thought for today:
Welcome to Saturday and to the very last day of 2022. You have made it; another year will soon be in the books. As you do your year end review and assessment of your life’s blessings what jumps to the top of the list? When you reflect on this past year’s challenges what was it, and what did you learn from it? As you stand at the threshold of 2023 what do you plan on doing this year to make a greater impact in the Kingdom of Heaven? How will you chart an upward trajectory in your personal spiritual development? Is reading the Bible cover to cover on your “to do” list? How about joining the SunRise class – Journey Of A Lifetime – a great overview of each book of the Bible. The first seven-week session will cover an intro to the Old Testament and the first six books of the Bible. The class will meet at 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings beginning on January 4th. We will also live-stream and post the class on the SunRise YouTube channel for those unable to attend in person. Sign-up on either the SunRise website or app under the events section.
In our pick verse today, John continues teaching on how faithful disciples are to focus on waking in the love of Jesus. This verse lists out some of the off-based values referenced as “the world” in verse 15. When we pursue these values they will only lead us away from a solid relationship with God. The desires of our sin-tainted human nature will divert our attention to the flesh of humanity and away from the spirit of God. The temptation to covet after what we see will adjust our activities to focus on obtaining more and more material possessions at the expense of giving ourselves to God. John cautions us to resist the temptation of falling into the pride of life through empty boasting in our status and achievements when we should be pointing all that we are to the glorious work of God. Anytime we shift the focus from worship of and devotion to God we sin by instead seeking the things of this world. As we end this year, may we all commit to a more intentional focus on God’s word, God’s way, God’s will, and God’s when is a great “resolution” to make for 2023.
Pastor Jim
Sunday – January 1st – 1 John 2:17
*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4561). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Posted in Through the Eyes of A Child
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