Thursday January 26, 2023

Thursday – January 26th – 1 John 4:4     -----      
4:4) You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Hello Thursday. Hope you survived the snow-apocalypse yesterday and all in your family are safe and sound. For those planning on worshipping with us this weekend (both in-building and online), this is our first every combined “Flannel Sunday and Family Worship” weekend. You are encouraged to wear your favorite flannels to church – yes even your flannel PJ bottoms. What a great way to end the month of January and celebrate that God is always excited for us to worship Him, and not worship how we are dressed. And yes, online folks you can also join in the fun and dress for worship in flannels. See you Sunday!

     In our pick verse today, John gifts us with one of those all-important scripture memory verses. When life seems to be overwhelming and the temptations from the devil are coming from all directions, this verse becomes our armor against the devils attacks. Greater is He who is us, then he who is in the world. Now the secret to this verse is to make sure that the He who is in us is God. The indwelling Holy Spirit is the behind-the-scenes power to a believer’s victory over the forces of evil. The Devil is constantly trying to control us through manipulation, deceit, and trickery. When we are diligent in testing the “spirits” of the world we will discover what is true and what is false. God will never encourage us to do anything that goes against His word, will, way, and when. Yes, there is that phrase again. I use it over and over because I need to be reminded who is in charge of directing my life’s thoughts, words and actions. I am pretty sure you are probably right there with me on this one.

   Pastor Jim
Friday – January 27th – 1 John 4:5-6

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 331). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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