Sunday October 8, 2023

Sunday - October 8th – Revelation 13:6     -----     
13:6) Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Happy and blessed Sunday! Our inspirational thought is a perfect campaign for our current faith series. Each week we have defined faith to be a confident assurance that God will 100% fulfil His promises to us. Trials in life can either drain our faith or sharpen our faith. The perspective we choose is shaped by the type of hope we place in God. This is not a wishful thinking type hope, but a conquering hope that we are merely waiting for the promised outcome to happen. It is a matter of “when” not “if” that describes the Christian hope spoken of in our inspirational thought today.

     In our pick verse today, John’s vision records the depths of the devil’s hatred toward God and toward all believers. The blasphemy of the monster that rose from the sea is making claims that it is qualified to take the place of God. Notice in this verse that the Antichrist’s delusional tactic includes a direct blasphemy of the name of God, the very place of God’s presence in Heaven, and all the saints in heaven and all who worship and serve God. With each passing verse the devil becomes more enraged as he realizes that there is no future victory for him. The only path he has left is to do as much damage to the name of God as possible in hopes that some believers will fall away. Lost souls are the only prize the evil one hopes to collect from his devious actions.

   Pastor Jim
Monday – October 9th – Revelation 13:7

*Tyndale; Walk Thru the Bible. The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 3577). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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