Thursday December 7, 2023

Thursday – December 7th – Revelation 17:1    -----     
17:1) One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Welcome to Thursday! Here is a quick reminder about the SunRise Advent food drive. Last week you folks rocked it by bringing in tons of breakfast items for our Food-4-Hope pantry. This weekend load up your car with the following snacks: pudding cups, fruit cups, granola bars, fruit snacks, snack crackers, and microwave popcorn. You can drop them off at the mission porch in the McClure lobby. Thanks!

     For John’s new vision one of the seven angels of the bowls of wrath becomes his guide. This angel signifies the close connection between bowls of judgement and what John is about to see and write. The angel promises a view of the punishment of the great prostitute. At this point it would have been understandable for John to be prepared to witness God’s judgement on an individual person. What John was about to discover was that the prostitute would symbolize a great city of evil and rebellion. The reference to sitting by the great waters will eventually play out to be all the nations and peoples remaining in the world.

   Pastor Jim
Friday – December 8th – Revelation 17:2

*Tyndale; Walk Thru the Bible. The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4336). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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