Saturday December 9, 2023

Saturday – December 9th – Revelation 17:3     -----     
17:3) Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.
The Daily Walk bible inspirational thought for today:

     Good Saturday to you! One of the most beloved and often told stories in the Bible is the nativity of the birth of Jesus. Told in tandem the gospels of Matthew and Luke, mixed in with a handful of prophecies out of the Old Testament, create an entire season of the church year where we are warmed by God’s unconditional love for us. Yet, how often do we pause and think about the chaos of that first Christmas. In our advent series “Embracing The Chaos”, we are exploring what things might have been like back in the day, and how we might learn to embrace the chaos of our lives. Join us at SunRise for our 8am Traditional worship or our 9:45am Modern worship. Live stream begins at 9:45am.

     In our pick verse today, John is now transported in the spirit by the angel to a new observation location. John’s landing spot is in the desert where he encounters a woman sitting on a scarlet beast. The word scarlet and red are virtually interchangeable in scripture. Each time in Revelation its use signifies the presence of evil, most notably a red horse of war and Satan as a giant red dragon. Today’s beast is described in identical terms to the one John observed earlier, having seven heads and ten horns like its master the dragon. It is important to note that the great prostitute has moved from her earlier location on the waters to now riding the beast in the desert. This simply means she has successfully seduced the people of earth (the waters) and that now she is moving forward with the help of military-political force (the beast).

   Pastor Jim
Sunday – December 10th – Revelation 17:4

*Tyndale; Walk Thru the Bible. The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4351). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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