Saturday December 16, 2023

Saturday – December 16th – Revelation 17:10     -----     
17:10) Five kings have already fallen, the sixth now reigns, and the seventh is yet to come, but his reign will be brief.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Good Saturday to you and yours! Tomorrow at SunRise we celebrate the third Sunday of the Advent season, and the third week of our series “Embrace The Chaos”. With only eight days until Christmas many of you are probably thinking about all the friends and family gatherings still to get in before the end of the year. Yes, it is chaos at its best, then add in an uninvited guest or two to your holiday parties and the chaos pushes up the stress meter exponentially. Join us this week as we discover that on the very first Christmas morning some uninvited guests arrived at the manger. Learn how did Mary and Joseph embraced the chaos of shepherds arriving unannounced.  Join us Sunday at 8am for traditional worship music and at 9:45am for our contemporary worship music. Online worship options begin at 9:45am.

     In our pick verse today, we are told by the angel that of the seven kings from yesterday’s verse that five have already fallen, the sixth one is currently in power, and a seventh is yet to come. Most interpreters of this passage suggest that the five fallen kings represent the five historical Old Testament empires that threatened the survival of God’s people Israel. They are in order Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and the Seleucid Empire (the successor to part of Alexander the Great’s realm). The sixth head of the monster is the kingdom of Rome, existing in the first century as the great power hostile to God’s new covenant people, the followers of Jesus. The seventh kingdom will be that of the final appearance of the Antichrist. Yet, in God’s perfect plan this evil kingdom will be short-lived. The ultimate and final defeat of the devil has been set in stone since the beginning of time.

   Pastor Jim
Sunday – December 17th – Revelation 17:11

*Tyndale; Walk Thru the Bible. The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 4422). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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