Monday January 1, 2024

Monday – January 1st – Revelation 18:5     -----     
18:5) For her sins are piled as high as heaven, and God remembers her evil deeds.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today

     Happy New Year. Today we turn the calendar page to 2024. For those who are taking on the challenge of reading through the Bible in a year – congratulations on your commitment. If you are looking for a great way to pursue such an awesome experience, I strongly recommend the Daily Walk Bible reading program that I have used for what is now our eighty consecutive year. No, it doesn’t get old or seem repetitive, yes as the years go by, the stories become more familiar, but the Holy Spirit provides new insights every time. In case you want to order your own Daily Walk Bible (which should arrive quickly), and not miss out, I will post each day’s readings for this first week.
Monday - January 1 - Genesis 1-2
Tuesday - January 2 -Genesis 3-5

     In our pick verse today, John’s angel guide continues his warning to the people who remain on earth. While we are at a point in John’s revelation that may seem confusing if we try to apply human logic through the lens of a point A to point B timeline. John’s visions are circular, and it is difficult to pinpoint consecutive actions. While the plagues leveled upon civilization at the end times have been detailed in chapter sixteen, the sins of humanity have been accumulating since the beginning of time. God has never forgotten the sins of unrepentant humans, but at last now civilization has sinned to the limit, and the time has come for God to act decisively and completely.

   Pastor Jim
Tuesday – January 2nd – Revelation 18:6

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 51). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.  

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