Friday January 5, 2024

Friday – January 5th – Revelation 18:8 (part 2)    -----     
18:8) Therefore, these plagues will overtake her in a single day— death and mourning and famine. She will be completely consumed by fire, for the Lord God who judges her is mighty.”
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Hello Friday! With this being the first week of the new year and the addition of new readers for the Daily Scripture Blog, I felt like I needed to share a little about what is contained within each day’s reading. The Daily Scripture Blog is composed of two separate portions in two different paragraphs. First, is the inspirational thought that comes from the Daily Walk Bible which is a read the Bible in a year program. Second, is the daily scripture blog itself. This has morphed into a verse-by-verse study of the Bible. We began this journey in January 2018 and will conclude sometime in the next few months. A part one-b is that I have included this week the daily readings for the Daily Walk Bible just in case folks have ordered but not yet received their Bible. A completely unrelated study is the Journey Of A Lifetime that I highlighted yesterday that will begin meeting on Wednesday evenings.  All that means is that there are several ways to read scripture through/with our SunRise Church.

Daily Walk Bible readings:
                         Friday January 5th – Genesis 12-14
                        Saturday January 6th – Genesis 15-17

     Our pick verse today is part two of verse eighteen and the angel’s pronouncement of final condemnation of the city of Babylon (human civilization). As one could imagine, John’s readers probably had a difficult time believing that such a catastrophic thing could even happen. Who among them could begin to visualize the entirety of first-century Rome being completely reduced into a heap of smoldering ruins? Likewise, who among us could fathom the complete and sudden destruction of any of the major cities of our world. Even with the horrible devastation of 9-11, only a small footprint of New York City was destroyed. The only way we can believe such a thing could ever happen is to remember that the God Almighty is the only force that exists with such power. If we can remember this, then we will not be startled when God’s hour of judgment finally arrives.

   Pastor Jim
Saturday – January 6th – Revelation 18:9

*Tyndale; Walk Thru the Bible. The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 90). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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