Sunday February 4, 2024

Sunday – February 4th – Revelation 19:14     -----     
19:14) And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Blessed Sunday to you! Ah, one of the greatest truths about God is contained in our inspirational thought for today. God has full knowledge about all things in life and in this world. Nothing is hidden from God no matter how hard we may try. We may be temporarily successful at keeping things hidden from other human beings, but they are never outside God’s knowledge or awareness. At the same time, God also knows those things in our lives that need to be protected from the curious eyes and ears of others. God is simply our best friend and desires to love and protect us with the backing of the Kingdom of Heaven. What a great reason to worship Him today.

     In our pick verse, John’s current vision of Jesus mounted on a white horse leaving the gates of Heaven, now expands to include those following Him. This host of Heaven’s armies is most certainly composed, at least in part, of holy angels. Additionally, based on an earlier part of Revelation, we could assume that this army will also include resurrected saints of the faith. The mention of their attire being fine linen, white and clean, is the same apparel as the “bride of the Lamb (v8). However, their garments will remain white, not blood splattered like that of Jesus. The prophet Isaiah states in 63:2-4, that Jesus will win this battle against the forces of evil on His own. Heaven’s army will be in an observer’s role and not participants in the actual battle.

   Pastor Jim
Monday – February 5th – Revelation 19:15

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 446). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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