Wednesday February 7, 2024

Wednesday – February 7th – Revelation 19:17      -----     
19:17) Then I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, "Come and gather together for the supper of the great God,
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Hello to you on this wonderful Wednesday. Today’s inspirational thought is both timely and perfect for where we are in our journey through the book of Revelation. Over the next couple of days, we will be knee-deep in the final battle between the forces of Heaven and hell. As our inspirational thought clearly states there is no middle ground in our decision of whom we will choose to follow. Our only choices are either Jesus or the devil. Secondly, while we think the longer we delay this decision the easier it will be to make (and we can enjoy the darker side of life a little longer), remember we do not know the day, hour, or minute that Jesus returns and believers are raptured to Heaven. Is a moment of running with the devil worth the risk of losing eternity in the presence of God?

     In our pick verse today, we begin a five-verse section that John uses to describe the battle between Jesus and the forces of hell. Chapter nineteen includes the description of two great feasts. The first was the “wedding supper of the Lamb”. Only those who were invited – the saints and martyrs of the faith - will dine in this heavenly located marriage feast. By contrast, the second is an invitation to all the birds in the air to come to a gruesome supper held on earth to feast on the rebellious forces of Satan. This banquet will celebrate God’s victory over the nations, over worldly chaos, and ultimately over death. The defeated forces of hell will be truly humiliated by the scavenger actions of the birds invited by God. Personally, I can’t help but picture this as a bazaar take on Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds.

   Pastor Jim
Thursday – February 8th – Revelation 19:18

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 486). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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