Sunday February 11, 2024

Sunday – February 11th – Revelation 19:21    -----     
19:21) And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Happy Sunday to you! What a perfect inspirational thought for today as we bring our current teaching series to a close. When we allow God to graft us to the vine of Jesus than we become an inseparable part of the Kingdom of Heaven. With this new lot on life, we best serve God by living our lives as a fully committed follower of Jesus. A little sneak insight into our upcoming Lenten series – “A Jesus Shaped Life”, is designed to help all of us work on being the best-ever advertiser of the Christian faith. How can we not be, if we are grafted into Jesus and receive spiritual nourishment through the Holy Spirit?

     Our pick verse today closes out chapter nineteen as John records the fate of the followers of Satan. The mighty warriors who gathered so mightily to oppose the rider on the horse did not put up a fight after all. They (all remaining inhabitants of earth) were unceremoniously killed by the sword that came out of the King’s mouth. This symbolizes that His power and His power alone won the final victory. There was not a great battle of Armageddon, only a quick defeat of God’s enemies. Don’t miss the connection between the sword that came from the mouth of Jesus and the sword in Ephesians six that Paul identifies as the word of God. In the beginning, the same “word” that spoke everything into existence will be the same “word” that speaks death to those who reject God. And now, at the battles end, the birds of the world are released to feast on flesh rebellious humanity.

   Pastor Jim
Monday – February 12th – Revelation 20:1

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 540). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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