Monday March 4, 2024

Monday – March 4th – Revelation 20:11    -----     
20:11) And I saw a great white throne and the one sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Good Monday to you!  On Sunday March 24th you are invited to join the SunRise family for a special viewing of the movie “Ordinary Angels” at the Marcus Theater at the Mid-Rives Mall. This is a faith-based movie about a struggling hairdresser who finds a renewed sense of purpose when she meets a widowed father working hard to care for his two daughters. With his youngest critically ill and waiting for a liver transplant, this Holy Spirit inspired woman single-handedly rallies an entire community to help. Tickets can be reserved through the SunRise app or website events page. Only forty seats are available so don’t hesitate to sign up. The screening is at 5:30pm on the 24th.

     Our pick verse today moves John’s focus from the banishment of the devil to a more glorious scene of Jesus coming in His glory. In this passage John intentionally avoids using the names Jesus or Christ to identify the one who is seated on the throne. Until the victorious second coming of Christ, the occupant of the throne was God, now Jesus has taken His seat for the final judgement of humanity. Christ as the Judge is so beyond all previous events in human history that the earth and sky fled from His presence, yet ultimately with no place to hide. This verse signals the disappearance of the old world to make way for the new heaven and earth that John will describe beginning in chapter twenty-one. But until then the final judgment must occur. And with it the separation, as Jesus described it, of the sheep and the goats.

    Pastor Jim
Tuesday – March 5th – Revelation 20:12

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 843). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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