Monday March 25, 2024

Monday – March 25th – Revelation 21:22     -----    
21:22) I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.
The Daily Walk Bible inspirational thought for today:

     Happy Monday to you! Can you believe that we are already moving full speed into Holy Week and the celebration of the empty tomb on Sunday. Good Friday will soon be here, and you are invited to join us at SunRise for our service at 7pm. The SunRise choir has been working hard on just the right music to help us remember the extent of God’s love for us in that He was willing to stand in our place of judgement. Jesus’ earthly destiny was to be found on the cross as He took on our sins, so that we might be able to come into the presence of God. It can be very exciting and tempting to rush to peek into the empty tomb as we celebrate the risen Lord. Yet, before Sunday arrives, we need to pause and reflect on how and why Jesus was in the tomb to begin with. God’s love for us cannot be measured by our human standards.

     In our pick verse today, John’s vision of New Jerusalem moves from a focus on its construction to describing the centerpiece of all existence. In one of the most revolutionary statements in the Bible, today’s verse creates an entirely new way for the new occupants (formerly known as humans) of Heaven to experience God. In Old Testament times the Temple/Tabernacle was the centerpiece of Jewish worship. The Holy of Holies was considered the place of God’s presence on earth. As such God’s presence was “confined” to a building which only allowed the people “near” His presence. In the New Jerusalem where He is the temple means that God’s presence will fully permeate the entire city.  You have probably picked up on the important reality that what John is describing in these handful of “scenic view” verses exceeds anything we can explain in our limited human logic.  My words of advice are to take it in without getting too caught up on understanding.

  Pastor Jim
Tuesday – March 26th – Revelation 21:23

*The Daily Walk Bible NLT: Explore God's Path to Life (p. 1130). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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